Tuesday, March 30, 2004

If you've been reading my Blog faithfully (of course you have) - you may remember my notes on cable TV treating the consumer like a cash crop. The following just appeared in my mailbox - an e-letter I subscribe to - it's from Rob Pegoraro's column in the Washington Post:

".....I hit the Web site of Rogers Cable, the Comcast of Canada, and quickly found a price list for digital-cable service that features a "Create Your Own Package" option. This lets subscribers pick up an individual channel for $2.49 a month, 5 channels for $9.95, 10 for $14.95 and 15 for $18.75 and so on (all figures in Canadian dollars, of course, so knock about 20 percent off each to get the cost in greenbacks).

What gives, eh?"

You go, Rob!!! Oh, Canada...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

"173 people killed in Madrid explosions
Salt Lake Tribune - 55 minutes ago
Madrid, SPAIN -- Ten terrorist bombs blasted three Madrid train stations at the height of the morning rush hour Thursday, killing more than 170 people and wounding at least 600 before this weekend's general elections. Officials blamed Basque separatists....."

Oh yeah - there's nothing like killing one or two or hundreds or thousands of non-combatants to get your point across and arouse SYMPATHY for your cause! Yeah right.