OK - let's hear it for the latest blatantly stupid trend. Salt. Yep - in a recent Newsweek TipSheet section - taste tests on salt were conducted - tongue in cheek, I'm sure. Turns out you can pay anywhere from about 75 cents for 26 oz. of ordinary table salt up to - are you ready for this - $17.95 for 16 oz. of Pink Himalaya Salt! Now - I don't want to put down the Himalayas (subtle pun there) - or the color pink - but how dumb is that? It presents a veritable saltmine of satire - a total collapse into the depths of dumbth. And to think I thought bottled water was stupid if your water supply isn't entertaining an aquarium full of coliform. (At least Perrier bottles make good bud vases).
Printmaker's Soapbox
Comments, opinions & random thoughts on STUFF
Monday, January 30, 2006
Previous Posts
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- Well - there he goes again - my beloved George Wil...
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- "A Florida woman who said her 10-year-old grilled ...
- New Zealand Herald - 1 hour ago NEW YORK - Oil p...
About Me
- Name: Sallie Bailey
- Location: Fayetteville, New York, United States
WRITING CREDS: I authored many art review guest columns for the Syracuse Newspapers during the 70’s, was art reviewer for several years for a prize winning weekly newspaper serving the eastern suburbs of Syracuse and have had articles in the Adirondack Echo, the magazine New York Alive and Lake Effect, a literary journal published in Oswego, NY. My poems have been published in several small magazines, including the Comstock Review and Alura. I also authored the segment on the art history of the Central New York Region in the Encyclopedia of New York State, published by Syracuse University Press in 2005 and did the jacket illustration for a novel, Swimming Toward The Light, by Angela Tehaan Leone published in January 2007 by Syracuse University Press. Most recently, my essay The Accidental Therapists appears in October 2009 issue of The Healing Muse, published by SUNY Upstate Medical University's Center for Bioethics & Humanities. I also recently self-published a small book - Child of The Depression - about growing up in Syracuse, New York during the 30's & 40's. It's available on Amazon.
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