Thursday, November 24, 2005

Well - there he goes again - my beloved George Will - the 'thinking conservative' - which I used to consider an oxymoron till I met George. The following is from his column in The Washington Post this week:

"Thomas Jefferson's view:

"It does me no injury," said Thomas Jefferson, "for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." But it is injurious, and unneighborly, when zealots try to compel public education to infuse theism into scientific education. The conservative coalition, which is coming unglued for many reasons, will rapidly disintegrate if limited-government conservatives become convinced that social conservatives are unwilling to concentrate their character-building and soul-saving energies on the private institutions that mediate between individuals and government, and instead try to conscript government into sectarian crusades."

So cool - so calm - so reasonable - unlike my snotty remarks. Carol Burnett can have John Foster Dulles - I have George Will.


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