Sunday, July 20, 2003

Ages & ages ago - when Napster was in full swing - I downloaded a whole mess of old folk music - some from Napster but most from more specialized sites. Music from the Civil War and - harder to find - music from the Revolution and all kind of old music. I don't really care about pop tunes but this act on the part of RIAA makes me want to sally forth (pardon the pun) and download things like crazy - sort of Nyah, nyah - come and get me. Oh - I can just see the headlines - RIAA Cracks Down on Granny with Prosthetic Hip. 'Granny' of course will reply I really hated to do it and deprive all those multi-millionaire overpaid performers of any money.... perhaps subjecting them to the hardship of having only one penthouse instead of three.....

I know, I know - right is right and wrong is wrong and as an artist I should appreciate copy rights and situational ethics are so weak they wobble - and I'm really just fantasizing here. But - doesn't it seem somehow like.... an elephant sitting down on a flea......................


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